
An up and down week

The last week or so has been a rollercoaster.

This post will be short, as I'm still internalizing and dealing with all the feelings. No random pics either. Anyways, here goes...

My step-mom's dad passed away over the weekend. Here is his obituary. I am much richer for having known him. He was the patriarch of our extended family; it's hard to imagine how things are going to be without him. I'll be attending the service in the morning. It seems like I've used this blog to note far too many deaths of people I care about.

As if that wasn't enough, my uncle suffered what appears to be a major heart attack. I spent part of the evening at G&G's (grandma and grampa Brown's) waiting for news. Unfortunately, we won't know the prognosis for a few days. I don't know what else to say about that.

All of this bad news is tempered by the fact that there is someone new in my life. And she is a bright spot indeed. So bright, I bought a plane ticket to go and see her in a couple weeks. Be happy for me.

There have been plenty of good times recently. And more to come. Make sure you all take care of yourselves, ok?

You just never know what life is going to throw at you, do you?