
Sarah cooking dinner after I arrived in Charleston.

Sarah being cute (she's good at that). This was before she realized and accepted the fact that that I was going to do the tourist thing and take a lot of pictures. We ate at this restaurant my first full day in SC. Seeing as I was in the south, I decided that fried chicken and sweet tea would be the best way to go. I wasn't disappointed. I also sampled some fried green tomatoes. They weren't too bad.

Sarah's "house" (it used to be a one car garage). It has at least as much character as my apartment. It is smaller, but the floor is level.

This is the super neurotic dog that whined and howled all week. The poor thing is obviously unhappy, but that doesn't make her any less obnoxious!

Charleston Harbor. The Cooper River Bridge is visible in the background.

The Yorktown, a WWII aircraft carrier. Also saw action in Korea and Vietnam. I would like to tour the ship, but it is a bit expensive. I guess I'll just have to come back to Charleston again.

The waterfront.

A sailboat.

The beach! The weather was in the mid-seventies during the daytime every day I was there; this day was particularly glorious. Of course, the ocean was far too cold to swim in, but there were plenty of surfers wearing wetsuits in the water. We managed to spend a good deal of time outside each day. It was great.

At the beach.

This lighthouse is all that is left of a small island. The island (Morris?) has eroded away, leaving nothing but the lighthouse standing. According to Sarah, the erosion was caused by the construction of jetties. I wonder how long the lighthouse will remain standing? (It is non-functioning.)

These little guys are hilarious. They hunt for food as the waves withdraw and run away when the surf comes back in. You hardly ever see them fly, but man can they run fast. I think these are either sandpipers or black bellied plovers.

This pelican flew right at us and landed about 10 feet in front of us. Pelicans have a huge wingspan and it was more than a little disconcerting when he was flying right at us.

Fairy God-Pirate watches over us as we travel.

Driving in the car.

One of Sarah's famous "self-portraits." I love those blue eyes of hers.

Folley Island.

Don't pout, Sarah. I'll come back to visit again soon.

Our last night in SC. We went back to the beach on Folley Island.

Sunset on Folley Island.

A Great Week (plus a few days)

But goodbyes are no fun. I'll post more pictures later...