
Feeling pretty good...

..about my decision. I was afraid I would be doing a lot of second guessing (not that I would EVER do anything like that...), but I am really comfortable with my choice. It was a good opportunity, but I don't think it was the right opportunity for me. I certainly would've learned a lot, but it would've been trial by fire for sure. There is still a lot that I would like to accomplish at WC. I am also afforded opportunities that would not have been available in MI. (training, networking, etc) Plus I wasn't thrilled with the location I would've been relocating to.

That's the short, short version. Thanks to all who chimed in, it actually did help to hear from multiple viewpoints.

In other news...I finally sold my soul to verizon and bought a cell phone. Email me if you'd like the number. My old number will stay active for the short term, but I plan on cancelling it before too long. No need to have two phones.

I get to see Sarah in a week. It has been way, way too long. Can't wait to see her.


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